"Work is love made visible." —Kahlil Gibran

Mission statement

This is where you state your personal mission. What do you care about? Who are you? What are you here to do, create, or achieve? This can be as long or short as you want! The key is to make sure it motivates you each time you read it. If you need help, consult the RESOURCES column under the 10 year vision section.

Key values

This is where you list the 3-5 values that are most important to you. If you need examples to choose from, consult the "List of values" document under the RESOURCES column.

  1. Creativity
  2. Power
  3. Service

10 year vision



  1. Write a book → Draft the outline
  2. Launch my company → Reach out to suppliers
  3. Volunteer abroad → Apply to program


This is where you plan your next 90 days after you create your timeline in the 10 year vision section. If you prefer to adjust it to monthly, quarterly, or yearly, you can do that by clicking on "Month" in the top right hand corner.

90 day plan

Daily tracker

This is where you list your daily tasks that will help you get to your 10 year vision. Include everything (personal & professional) that is a daily priority.

To create a new weekly template:

  1. Click the Template dropdown in this section
  2. Hover over the dots next to the empty template & click Duplicate
  3. Drag the duplicated template beneath this subsection
  4. Drag the completed template beneath the Archives dropdown

Week of 1/1